
To create a skill goal set that will track skills that are related to a specific career or field, select New Career-Based Set.


On the following Career Goals page, users will enter the name of a career that they would like to track skills towards into the search box provided, and then they will select Find Occupations. A list of career paths that are related to the user's search term will then appear in the list below.

The Alternate/Related Titles drop-down menus will allow users to search for occupations that track similar skills to the occupations that are listed on this page.

Once a user has located a career path that they would like to track skills towards, then they will select the Choose button found to the right of that Occupation.


After choosing an occupation to track skills against, users will be brought into a Career Skills page, wherein they can select Job-Related Skills they would like to track. Using the Minimum Job Importance slider, users will be able to reveal those skills that are most important to the occupation that they are tracking.

To create a goal that tracks only those skills that a user wants to track, users will select the check-boxes next to the skills that they are interested in tracking from the Job-Related Skills listed at the bottom of the page. Once a user has selected all of the skills that they would like to track, they will then enter a Target Date for their skill goal and then they will select Save Career Skills Goal.


After saving, the newly created Career-Based Skill Goal will appear on the Skill Goals page, along with information indicating progression towards that skill goal.